Status quo
Hi friends,
Well, today wasn't a huge "progress" day as the last two have been, but I'm okay with that. I have just been saying my "patience" mantra over and over and trying to remember that this whole process is going to take LOTS of time. When I got there this morning, mom seemed tired. I don't think she was feeling all that hot...her pneumonia's gettin' her down a bit (I know I have not mentioned this word "pneumonia" before, but that's what the trach infection is), and she was breathing faster and her heart rate was up a bit. No fever still, which is good, and the nurse taking care of her today told me her lung sounds are getting clearer, and her secretions (eww, gross I know) are getting clearer in color and thinner, which means the antibiotics are doing their job. The nurse was doing frequent suctioning today to get all the junk out, and mom HATES being suctioned and gets very agitated, so I think she was also getting tired out from that. Overall, she was just a bit listless and quiet, not as responsive as yesterday. But that's okay, she's fighting off the infection in addition to healing her poor head, so she's allowed a day of rest. I did see her open her mouth really wide, something she'd not done looked like she was yawning, but it may have just been part of her coughing up junk. She also was moving her left leg spontaneously more today, another thing she hadn't been doing much of before. I noticed they had taken out the arterial line they put in last just hadn't been working, and they don't think she really needs one anymore anyway. So hopefully no more pokes! Her blood counts are up to a very good level, and now they're only having to do blood work once a day instead of several times.
So I spent some time with her in the late morning, and then met some girls for lunch (good to see you E Pro, RN!). Did some more packing up of stuff and brought some things to the Salvation Army. In the late afternoon, we headed back to the hospital and hung out with mom some more - still tired and not doing much, but I just talked to her, rubbed some lotion on her hands and feet, and held her hand. Then Abby and Maya (I hope I spelled that right!) came and took me to dinner, which was great...I got in some therapeutic baby time, just what I needed! :) Jillian came after work, and we visited with mom a bit more this evening. She seemed to have perked up a bit and was moving her arm and fingers quite a bit! I think maybe she was feeling a bit better after resting all day. At one point, I really thought she was going to pull off her trach collar and pull out her PEG tube! She is still doing the small motor movements with her fingers, almost like she is trying with her thumb nail to get something out from underneath her other nails - it's very precise. The trauma resident even commented on it, and we all wonder what she's trying to do. When the nurse came in to do trach care and suction her, she was moving BOTH legs (much more the left than the right, but both nonetheless)! I was able to massage her hands and feet a bit more with some Lilly of the Valley scented lotion that she loves, and I put some Chapstick on her lips (she loves Chapstick) because they get so dry. Hopefully she'll be able to get some more rest tonight and be feeling much better in the morning.
I am so grateful to all the people who keep coming for's great help, great company, and a great distraction from thinking about how much I really really miss mom. I just miss talking to her so much, and I miss her fun personality and going out to eat with her and having conversations with her and just everything. I miss her advice, her voice, her hugs, her phone calls. I want her back NOW. Back to the mantra...patience, patience, patience. She'll be back. She's fighting.
Well, today wasn't a huge "progress" day as the last two have been, but I'm okay with that. I have just been saying my "patience" mantra over and over and trying to remember that this whole process is going to take LOTS of time. When I got there this morning, mom seemed tired. I don't think she was feeling all that hot...her pneumonia's gettin' her down a bit (I know I have not mentioned this word "pneumonia" before, but that's what the trach infection is), and she was breathing faster and her heart rate was up a bit. No fever still, which is good, and the nurse taking care of her today told me her lung sounds are getting clearer, and her secretions (eww, gross I know) are getting clearer in color and thinner, which means the antibiotics are doing their job. The nurse was doing frequent suctioning today to get all the junk out, and mom HATES being suctioned and gets very agitated, so I think she was also getting tired out from that. Overall, she was just a bit listless and quiet, not as responsive as yesterday. But that's okay, she's fighting off the infection in addition to healing her poor head, so she's allowed a day of rest. I did see her open her mouth really wide, something she'd not done looked like she was yawning, but it may have just been part of her coughing up junk. She also was moving her left leg spontaneously more today, another thing she hadn't been doing much of before. I noticed they had taken out the arterial line they put in last just hadn't been working, and they don't think she really needs one anymore anyway. So hopefully no more pokes! Her blood counts are up to a very good level, and now they're only having to do blood work once a day instead of several times.
So I spent some time with her in the late morning, and then met some girls for lunch (good to see you E Pro, RN!). Did some more packing up of stuff and brought some things to the Salvation Army. In the late afternoon, we headed back to the hospital and hung out with mom some more - still tired and not doing much, but I just talked to her, rubbed some lotion on her hands and feet, and held her hand. Then Abby and Maya (I hope I spelled that right!) came and took me to dinner, which was great...I got in some therapeutic baby time, just what I needed! :) Jillian came after work, and we visited with mom a bit more this evening. She seemed to have perked up a bit and was moving her arm and fingers quite a bit! I think maybe she was feeling a bit better after resting all day. At one point, I really thought she was going to pull off her trach collar and pull out her PEG tube! She is still doing the small motor movements with her fingers, almost like she is trying with her thumb nail to get something out from underneath her other nails - it's very precise. The trauma resident even commented on it, and we all wonder what she's trying to do. When the nurse came in to do trach care and suction her, she was moving BOTH legs (much more the left than the right, but both nonetheless)! I was able to massage her hands and feet a bit more with some Lilly of the Valley scented lotion that she loves, and I put some Chapstick on her lips (she loves Chapstick) because they get so dry. Hopefully she'll be able to get some more rest tonight and be feeling much better in the morning.
I am so grateful to all the people who keep coming for's great help, great company, and a great distraction from thinking about how much I really really miss mom. I just miss talking to her so much, and I miss her fun personality and going out to eat with her and having conversations with her and just everything. I miss her advice, her voice, her hugs, her phone calls. I want her back NOW. Back to the mantra...patience, patience, patience. She'll be back. She's fighting.
Thank you so much for keeping us abreast of Beverly's condition. Each day is a good day. I can't wait until she is able to laugh that laugh of hers again. Her smile radiates such warmth and love that it is always cloudy around here at Coyne without it. Keep up the good work that you are doing. If you need more help with your move (transportation) please let me know. I have a small car but it will work as far as moving boxes and bags. Please know that God hears all of our prayers and is answering them second by second. A lifetime in our eyes is but a minute in HIS.