Thank You
Hi, it's Lilly, Bev's niece. Amanda has been doing a beautiful job staying strong while keeping you abreast of Bev's physical condition and gradual improvements, so I thought I'd add some personal stuff. I just wanted to send a huge thank you out there to all of our amazing friends (and of course our family) who continue to astonish me with such a large capacity for caring, support, and great taste in care packages! You guys are terrific, and we love you.
Since day one we have been telling Bev who's come to visit, and I'm sure somehow she's heard each one of you talk about your day, or tell her how much you miss her, or just feel your presence. It means the world to Amanda and me, and I'm sure to her. In addition to the visit from Betty and Jack, my parents were in this week and Mom, being the dutiful older sister, gently told her younger sister to get a move on in that "older sister" tone that Bev has heard all her life. We like to keep her updated on daily goings-on (and that her cat wants her home!) and encourage her to come back as soon as she can, because we sure miss her laugh, amazing spirit, warmth (and great cooking). I know we'll get there, in those baby steps. But, we will.
Thanks to you and Amanda for the blog! Wanted to pass on that my parents remember you from our wedding 'reception' and liked you a lot; they are keeping you and Bev and your whole family in their prayers. Obviously, I am too. :)