Happy Leap Day!

Hi Friends,

Leap Year won't happen again for another four years, and it was kind of a special day today! We got to be in the studio for the taping of the morning news, and even got to be on it at the end of the hour (maybe some of you saw us?)! Zoraida was so nice, and it was fun to see Dick and Ginger too! :)

And then it was just my luck, I happened upon some movie trailers and a set for the filming of a movie called "Baby On Board," starring Jerry O'Connell and Heather Graham! So I loitered for awhile waiting for a glimpse, and my efforts were rewarded with both of them. I watched them film a scene for quite awhile, and though the filming of a movie scene is not always the most scintillating thing to watch (for those that never have, they do take after take after take after take), it did satisfy my ever-present celebrity-sighting craving.

Unfortunately, I didn't discover the availability of an even better vantage point from a warm location inside the building in front of which they were filming until I was already almost frozen solid. As a result, I got a chill I had trouble shaking for the rest of the day, and that combined with my early rising this morning for the news forced me onto the couch bundled up under all sorts of blankets for the rest of the afternoon.

Mom had a good day today...attended some activities. :) We'll hang out tomorrow. Off to bed now. Thanks all for your love and support. Peace.


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