Neuropsych testing

Hi Friends,

Oy, a long stressful had her appointment today for the neuropsych testing from 9-4pm...9-12, then an hour for lunch followed by an afternoon session which ended up only lasting until 3pm. Mom was understandably nervous about it, but not overly so...she sort of enjoyed it a little, when all was said and filled her day, she was challenged, and met a nice doctor whom she said was very encouraging to her. Nonetheless, it was tiring for us both, and I'm glad it's done...I think it went well, but I guess we'll know for sure how it went when the report comes out, which I don't think will be for a little while...we have another appointment on Sept. 2 (!) to go over the report, but I'm hoping the written report will be available before this to send to the two prospective programs so they will have it sooner.

Also got a call today from the Director of Admissions at QLI while I was at Walgreen's this evening, and she said they decided mom would be welcome in their program...this is great news, but now I face another obstacle...I have to now convince the man who is in charge of approving out-of-state treatments for patients to let her go...we must have exhausted all in-state options first before they will approve this, and I must prove that we have. I do not think on my feet always so well, and am much better with written communication, so the prospect of having to call this man and be savvy and convince him this is the best option is quite daunting to me. I should have known it wasn't over, and that it wouldn't be as simple as that. Not to mention that her application with the other place is still pending, so everything is just still up in the air, and I don't know if it's worth making this phone call to the guy if we are still waiting on the other program...AHHH!!!!! I fear I will soon tear my hair out over all this... :(

Am emotionally exhausted tonight, and looking forward to my bed. Work the next two days so keep your fingers crossed my stress level doesn't skyrocket because of's all I need. Thanks for all your continued love and support. Peace


Anonymous said…
Dear Amamda
I never miss an entry. I'm so happy Bev is doing as well as she is. I pray for you to keep the strength it takes to handle everything. All will work out.

"Keep the Faith"


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