Please keep praying

A note from Sam to solicit your prayers:

"Please keep Ed in your prayers. We need someone else to take over now. Dad has developed blood clots in all of his extremities and is at risk for the clots moving to his lungs (pulmonary embolus or PE) from these clots. He is having a filter placed in one of the large veins that returns blood to the heart this morning to help prevent the clots in his legs from moving to his lungs. There is really not much else they can do for the clots because the usual treatment is blood thinners and he cannot get these anymore because it already caused bleeding in his brain last week. We just have to pray that his body stops clotting and is able to break down the clots before they move in to his lungs.

Please pray for a miracle for Dad.

Thanks so much.
Love you all,


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