An ebb always counters a flow...

Hi Friends,

Despite the nasty weather, I was able to make it to lunch with Pam and then we went for manicures and pedicures...I had free ones because I'd filled up a stamped card at the place we love a long time ago and hadn't used them yet (D'Lee's on Halsted...I highly recommend it), so that was nice and cheap, and also good to be pampered for a little bit. :) Ran a few other errands, and then went to see mom this evening...there was a mixup with her dinner tray, so she didn't get it until later than usual, but she did and it was all good. We sat in the dining room with two other women, and one of them was very talkative and we all chatted.

Then we headed back to mom's room where we worked on some more Speech Therapy gets harder and harder each time, so today's "session" wasn't as...what's the word I want?...encouraging, I before. But mom was trying her best, and I must say that it was at the end of the evening and approaching her bedtime, so I give her a lot of credit...she never gets mad...not to say she doesn't get frustrated, but she doesn't let it show very much. I'm afraid the same cannot be said for me...sometimes I get so frustrated when I'm helping her because I'm impatient for her to be better...I'm not as patient as I should be (that's one virtue I could use a lot more of lately)...and then I need to just step away before I let it show. But that ups the guilt factor exponentionally, let me tell you...she always tries her best though and I know that...and I'm very proud of her. Thank goodness I'm not a Speech Therapist.

So all in all not a bad day, but I'm not as elated as I was on Wednesday...I guess everyday can't be wonderful. But tomorrow is a new day, and has the potential for great things. Thanks for your continued love and support. Peace.


Unknown said…
you are so cute...glad to hear that you had a nice day of pampering, you deserve it!!!


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