Spring is finally in sight!

Hi Friends,

What a gorgeous day it was today! I LOVED the "warm" weather and wish it could just stay like that from now on until the summer...I can handle a day like today! For once it didn't hurt to be outside! :)

Went out to a late breakfast with the crew this morning, and then Pam and I headed back to the city, where I hung out with mom all afternoon. We talked a lot, organized her room and homework papers, and also went to the cookies and milk social. :) Nothing earth-shatteringly exciting, but it was nice to spend some time with her. Tomorrow we may head out to do some laundry again, it certainly piles up.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend...spring can't be too far off after a day like today, so let's all hang in there. Thanks for your continued love and support. Peace to all.


Anonymous said…
just wanted to say hello! and I'm happy you're finally getting a break in the weather,! miss you. Jenn

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