The adventures of Suzi and Amanda

Hi Friends,

Wow, for some reason I just got really really sleepy, so I guess I'll cut this a bit short. Worked this a.m. and took care of our dearest Ellen, a nurse I work with, as her labor was being induced glad I could take care of her for a little while! When I was done with work, met Suzi for a nice lunch...the adventure really began when we left the restaurant and discovered her car had been towed! Spent much of the rest of the afternoon tracking it down, and did a little shopping on the way to get it (we couldn't resist) and both got really good deals...the bag I got was practically free ($6.58 from J Crew!!) and so cute! :) Once we'd gotten the car back from the pound, we headed up to the new apartment for a look-see...still much to be done, and I guess I can no longer depend on the management company to do anything more...harder to try to get them to do it than to just do it myself. :( Suzi left to get home, and I mosied my way home via the train, stopping in several more shops on the way but resisting temptation...yay! Teared up a bit as I walked across The intersection, but didn't shake as I have done in the past. I guess that's good.

Talked to mom on the phone quite a bit today...she was in good spirits again and keeping busy. Missed seeing her today, but tomorrow in between packing at the old place and cleaning at the new, I will stop by for a visit. For now, am at home status post dinner and a bit of packing (!) sleepy now, and so are the kitties. Halfway to the weekend! Thanks for your continued support and love. Peace to all.


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