The next step

Hi Friends,

Ah, Mondays. Always fun, eh? Hope everyone's week is off to a good start. Mine was busy as usual, lots of babies, but what's new? Since I was able to relax yesterday and go to bed early, I was at least well-rested today, and even had the energy to do some unpacking when I got's still a disaster in here, but I made a little of a dent I suppose.

Another work day tomorrow, but then off Wednesday so will bring mom over to help with the rest of the unpacking...she'll enjoy feeling useful, I know. Talked to mom's speech therapist today, and she is just about at the end of her course there. She feels that she's done as much with mom as she can without having more of an extensive background in TBI, so will be discharging her from the speech therapy shortly. This definitely puts the pressure on to figure out the next step, which is good but adds another layer of stress once again. I'll definitely keep you posted as the process unfolds. As always, your continued love and support are essential to me, and much appreciated. Thank you, and peace to you all.


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