Hi Friends,

Well, a different kind of day than I thought it would be...got an S.O.S. phone call this am from work begging me to come in and help out for as long or as little as I could because they'd had so many sick calls and it was so busy. Not having any timeframe or deadline for my plans for the day, I agreed to help out from 1130-4pm. Made a little extra money which is always good, and actually got to do some patient care, something I hardly ever get to do anymore and it was fun! After that, I headed over to the Imperial for a few reasons...obviously to visit mom, but also to pick up a few forms from the social worker there, and to let them know mom has an appointment tomorrow morning with her RIC physiatrist for a follow-up. Will pick her up tomorrow for the appointment, and then go to lunch and the beach (if it's nice) with Pam and Suzi before dropping her back off. Mom was doing well, we wrote out a few reminder signs to hang up around her room for various things, and made lists of activities for her to do in place of watching TV and napping. :) Hopefully they'll make some impact...we shall see.

Off to bed now...hope everyone is having a good week so far! Thanks as always for your continued love and support. Peace.


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