Back on her feet

Hi Friends,

Today was a better day...thank goodness for Betty, because she was with mom all day today so I could go to work for 8, that was so comforting to know she was there, and not to have to use my time off to be there. Meetings all day and then the leadership holiday lunch, so that was nice. Betty called me around 12pm to give me an update, and I almost had a heart attack thinking something was wrong (boy do I have PTSD), but everything was fine and status quo. Mom had her CT scan done early this morning (even before Betty got there, which must have been around 7:45am or so) and they gave her some Ativan to get her through it (an anti-anxiety med)...they finally got the results back late this afternoon and they were normal, thank goodness!!! So she got the official okay from her neurosurgeon to be transferred to the subacute rehab (aka skilled nursing) unit. The rehab doc came by to meet her today Betty said, and I look forward to meeting him as well. The physical therapist came by today at the prompting of Betty since mom had not really gotten out of bed yet, and got her up to the chair, and then walking in the hall a bit! Yay! :) Of course, that exhausted her and she slept most of the afternoon.

Got to the hospital around 3pm, and mom was of course asleep. Jillian had just arrived for a visit, and I hadn't seen her for a little while with our opposite schedules, so it was good to see her! She even brought mom a bouquet of beautiful flowers for her room! :) Unfortunately mom was asleep during the majority of her visit, but we did decide to wake her up and get her moving again, so we got her up first in her wheelchair and then walking a little again. She took a lot of prompting to first get up, but once she was up she did great, waving to people in the halls, being her social butterfly self, and walking well. Once again though, that exhausted her and she fell asleep right away when we got her back in bed. Still not much eating or drinking today. :(

Betty and I left for awhile for dinner...we had crab legs and apple martinis to commemorate Betty's last dinner in Chicago for this visit (sniff sniff), and had some talks. Then we headed back to the hospital to say goodnight, and brought with us a container of yogurt since that seems to be her new favorite food in the hopes she'd eat something. She actually did eat almost the whole container save about a bite and a half...yay!!! That was all she wanted though, but at least it's a start. Then we made her get up for another little walk...she wasn't so happy with us for this one, and didn't go very far, but it was something.

Left around 10pm or so, and now are home wondering about the sleet and freezing rain that is supposedly hitting Chicago anywhere between 12am tonight and 12am tomorrow night...will be sure to check on Betty's flight status tomorrow morning (it is scheduled to depart at 12:45pm) before she leaves for the airport. :( I don't want her to leave! As for me, I have to be in court at 11am tomorrow for the legal guardianship hearing...aaaahhhh! It sounds so scary...I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm still really nervous about it. I wish I had someone to go with me, but everyone's working. Oh well, as I told mom, I'll try to be brave just like her.

Thanks everyone for your continued love and support. As always, I truly appreciate it. Peace.


Hope said…
Hang in there you brave girl! Court is scary but, I am sure you will do great! Thinking of you always!

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