A nice visit

Hi Friends,

Well, the family got into Chicago just fine this morning, without delay or cancellation thank goodness. Did some errands around the house this morning, whipped on some homemade cinnamon rolls because I got a craving (yep, that's right...I baked!), and then headed over to the hospital. Mom and I hung out for a bit, and then the gang arrived...mom was SO excited to see them! They called me to say they were in the lobby, and I went down to get them and bring them up...right before I went down, mom asked me how she looked, and wanted to make sure she was all straightened out and looking good. :) Brought them in, and she got up and gave them each a huge hug and kiss hello. We spent about an hour and a half hanging out with her, and she was talking up a storm...I mean, she seriously wouldn't stop talking. She was being quite the entertainer, being silly and a ham...of course, half of what she said didn't make sense, but we were able to get the gist of it a lot of the time. She started getting tired, so we left to let her take a nap.

We had a late lunch and a nice visit, and then headed back to the hospital and hung out with mom some more. She had her dinner while we were there, and as usual it took some encouragement to get her to eat. But we had another nice time talking and laughing...the quotes for the day are "mashed potato disease" (that sent Winsome and I into a fit of giggles) and when talking about Betty, she said "She's got true value like Midas" (I had to write that one down so I wouldn't forget it). The fam headed back to their hotels around 7pm as they were getting tired after getting up super early this morning and travelling. I stayed and hung out with mom some more...we walked around some, she played some piano, wanted to be Miss Social Butterfly again so we went out and she said hi to some people at the nurse's station (I literally couldn't stop her). Then we got her ready for bed and tidied up her room, and then I came home. I thought about going back out...tonight is my work Christmas party, but the weather is terrible (cold, windy and snowing hard), and I couldn't bring myself to do so. I'm sad I couldn't go, but there's always next year...hope everyone is having fun!

Thanks all for your continued support...I really appreciate each and every one of you. Peace.


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