
Hi Friends,

Spoke with mom this morning and she was really excited to let me know that she got approved to leave for a few hours tomorrow afternoon to come with me to my psychologist appointment!! She wants to meet mom since I talk about her so much, and because she is a neuropsychologist and knows a lot about brain injuries. So the plan is for me to pick mom up after lunch and bring her dowtown to my appointment with me. I figured that since we would be downtown already, we could stop by RIC to visit the floor she was on and see if any of her nurses or therapists were around...of course we'll play it by ear and see how she's doing (this may tire her out, I don't know), but I think it'd be great to visit there and let them see how well she's doing! She is SO excited about the outing...she wants to get all ready and I told her I'd bring her real clothes to wear (instead of comfy pajama pants, etc). This is the first time she's getting to go anywhere out in the real world, so it will be SO nice for her (despite the freezing temperatures)!

Also spoke with mom's Speech Therapist this afternoon...she confirmed what I already knew...that mom is doing so much better than when she arrived at the Imperial, but that she still has some difficulty with word retrieval and sentence formation, which are the main things they're working on now...she is independent enough to be given homework, which is good because so far the insurance is only approving 3 sessions of 30 minutes each per week. They approve it for 2 weeks at a time, and they could stop approving it at any time, something which really worries me. The Speech Therapist said she wishes she could see mom 5 times a week for hour-long sessions, because she could really benefit from more intensive therapy...she said she is refreshing to work with because she is so positive and hard-working. Please keep your fingers crossed that the insurance continues to approve her sessions...she is getting better with her words everyday and can keep going...I just know it.

So as usual, I will ask for your loving thoughts and prayers sent our way...so far you have carried us along, and we still need you. Stay warm, and peace to all.


Sam said…
Amanda, have a great time out on the town with your Mom! Stay warm!!!! Love, Sam
Hi Amanda-
How fun! I am so glad that your Mom is able to go out with you today. Hopefully, you girls can stop at RIC too! They will be so happy to see her. Stay warm and have a fun afternoon!
Love, Jillian
Unknown said…
yey for an outing...keep warm in the frigid cold..but i bet the two of you won't even notice cuz you'll be having so much fun!!!

Natalie M said…
Amanda and Bev,
Hope you have so much fun in streeterville!! Stay warm and tell ronda to tell elias I love him!

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