Bday celebration #1

Hi Friends,

A glorious day off from work...and I heard it was crazy, so I'm very glad I wasn't there for once. :) Slept in (!!!) and then got ready and went to drop off my security deposit for the new place...yay! So on Sunday I'll probably head over and do some cleaning and such. Hung out with mom for the afternoon, which was nice. We went over homework and just chatted. Suzi came by for a bit as well, so we all three had a nice visit. Then Suzi and I headed downtown to begin the birthday festivities...headed to the restaurant with Jennie and Natalie, and had a great time at dinner. Very yummy food and drink, and of course good conversation. After dinner, we just hung out at Natalie's and watched TV, and now I'm home and going to bed. Hope everyone had a good Friday...the weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend, so I can't wait! Thanks for your continued love and support. Peace to all.


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