Natural born performer

Hi Friends,

Another day of work down, one more to go this week...woohoo! The last is always the hardest, so I'll keep this short, especially as I have little new to report tonight. Mom seemed to keep busy today...she went to the resident council meeting today, got to perform with the guest musician as she does most of the time now...she's a natural born performer, you can't keep her down, and everyone there seems to really enjoy it, staff and residents alike. :) According to her, they ask her to come up and sing all the time...she's probably the most lively of all the residents and is refreshing for them I'm sure. She's too cute.

I really hope it's warmer tomorrow than it has been...I'm so over having to wear a's the end of May for goodness' sake! Thanks for all your continued love and support. Peace.


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