The Big I?

Hi Friends,

Well, today was not quite what I expected it to be like...I figured mom would be feeling better and more awake today, and we thought the neurosurgeon was going to be by to check her out. None of the above were true...on and off mom seemed to be feeling okay...earlier in the day she even said to Betty that she was "sick and tired of lying around," but then she was not acting her cheerful self, slept most of the day, threw up, and I truly believe she is going to spike a fever...she felt SO warm to both Betty and I this evening, and though the thermometer hasn't registered it yet, I just know it's coming...the Big I, Infection...I hope I'm wrong, but I have such a strong feeling. Not a good day for my nerves...Betty and I were there from 10:30am or so to 10pm, spending most of the day not wanting to be out of the room because we were expecting the neurosurgeon to stop by and we wanted to be there to talk to him. But he never came, and when the nurse paged him around 5pm, he just called in and gave an order for an anti-nausea medication. I miss RIC. This is the most anxiety I've had since the very beginning, and to top it off, I ran out of Ambien and the pharmacy where I had the rx refilled wasn't open when we went to pick it up (I thought it was 24 hrs)...tonight of all nights. So I'm not holding out much hope for sleep tonight. Also, they ended up moving mom to a new, private room because the roommate was being so disruptive...this is the one I described last night, and it finally got to the point where she was being so loud and needy, they offered to put us in a different room and we readily agreed. So at least we're in a nice quiet room.

See, this is why we still need all your good thoughts, love and prayers...things can still go wrong even though the surgery itself is done. I don't know what I would have done had Betty not been here with me it was, I could barely sit still I was so worried...and still am. Now we are having a glass of wine in the hopes that this will somewhat take the place of the Ambien, but I doubt it. Will keep you posted...please keep fingers crossed. Peace to all.


Anonymous said…
Amanda, I'm very sorry to hear about your Mom. I just stumbled across this website tonite. I hope she continues to improve and you continue to have the strength I've read about. If you need me, you know where I am. You will both be in my prayers.
Stefanie said…
sweetie try and stay strong....for every good day....there are a few bad know that luv;)im soooooo sorry i couldnt make it there:( can you believe i got a flat tire?!?!? it was quite funny to see me driving that thing with a flat tire! i know i probably wont see you monday.....but i will call you after work. please let me know if you need ANYTHING!love you!

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