
Hi Friends,

Well, today's move couldn't have gone smoother, I guess. I toured the unit mom is now on earlier in the day and met with the care coordinator there. After explaining to him all the advances that mom has made within the last few days, he said that she didn't even qualify for the CSTEP program (that short term crap) and that she would move directly into the Brain Injury program....yay!!! So we (I) don't have to worry about her not advancing enough in the two weeks for her to be able to stay on at RIC. That is a HUGE load off my mind, let me tell you. So he estimated she'll be there in the program for approximately 5-6 weeks (obviously once they assess her and all her abilities/deficits, they'll be able to determine a time frame more exactly), which is totally fine with me...however long she needs to be there to get better is good.

After the tour, had a (too) brief lunch with Doyle and Tommy (what a cutie, although I don't think he likes me because he started crying as soon as I picked him up out of the stroller, hehe), and then headed up to wait for the ambulance to come and get mom. I was prepping her for the ride and the new place, and she told me she didn't want to go because there'd be strangers there and she was scared...she SAID that. :) But I explained that I'd be with her the whole time, that the new place was a much better place than the current one, and that everything would be totally fine. She was still nervous, but felt better overall about it. The actual ride over was uneventful, they let me ride in the ambulance with her, and she slept most of the way there. When we arrived, there were lots of questions to answer re: medical history and such, papers to sign, contact info to get, etc. Then the doctors came in and made their initial assessment of mom (very basic assessments) - they'll actually spend the next week or so getting to know mom and doing a more thorough assessment of everything and then make a care plan and set a tentative discharge date based on her goals and such. Everyone I met was great, right down to the unit administrative assistants (that's what they're called at RIC instead of unit secretaries). The physical therapist came in and did a bit of passive range of motion with mom's arms and legs, but she was exhausted from the trip over and all the stress and excitement, so then she took a nap.

I just hung out with her for the rest of the afternoon...Lilly came by in the evening and once again was very impressed with mom's progress, even since yesterday. She was seriously talking SOOO much more today - and I could understand tons more. She is really finding her voice, and when I can understand her, mostly makes total sense! She even told me to stop talking to her like she was stupid...I hadn't realized I was, but clearly she thought so! :) She let me tell her what happened to her too, which was a huge step...I had to tell her twice because she forgot the first time, and I wasn't sure if it had really stuck, but then later on, she apologized to me for everything that's been happening...that about broke my heart and I started bawling and telling her it wasn't her fault at all. I think she believed me. She kept telling me over and over that she loves me, and we told each other that we're each other's favorites, which is what we always did before. I kept emphasizing that this is just another of the adventures that we've had together, and that it wasn't one we'd chosen for ourselves but that we'd get through it together with love and humor. I told her she has some hard work ahead of her, but that I'm not done needing her to be my mom yet, and so she has to make sure she works as hard as she possibly can. She agreed. :)

Sweet Natalie (aka NrsNat5) brought me some good dinner and hung out for awhile, and Jillian came by after work for a bit too. They personally witnessed mom's newly rediscovered conversational skills. :) Leaps and bounds, everyday...and she hasn't even really started her therapies yet. I can just imagine she'll do SOO well at RIC when they actually start working with her. She still has moments of confusion where she says things completely out of the blue after waking up from one of her short naps that don't make sense, and she's having trouble with names (her own, mine, and others), but she just "woke up" a few days ago, and that'll come. She's doing SOO great, I can't even describe how proud I am of her, and how thankful that I am getting her back, if slowly.

Now we're going to have to make her room nice and homey and "hers" because she'll be there for so long. I'm thinking pictures and theatre posters and plants (thanks, Lil!) and maybe better pillows...if you have any other suggestions, I'm open. Tomorrow, Betty and Sofie fly in from New York, and I couldn't be more excited! They'll unfortunately be staying with me in the disaster area that is where I live currently, but hopefully they won't mind the mess too much. I haven't exactly been a good housekeeper lately....but let's be honest, when have I ever been? ;)

Love to all, keep sending your love and prayers...we still have much work ahead, and need strength.


Natalie M said…
I had so much fun chatting with Bev last night! I realized late last night that I left my coat over there. That makes 2 coats that I've left at your place. I guess this is my way of slowly moving in!!! Have fun with your family and call me if you need anything!
Unknown said…
Dear Amanda,

We love you and can't wait to hear all about the progress your mom is going to make.

Hope said…
Hey Amanda...So happy to hear about the great progress. If your mom is half as tough as you are I'm sure she'll be in fighting shape in no time. Lots of Love!
Hope Q./HQ
I am so glad I got a chance to visit with you and Bev last night:) She is doing amazing! I can't wait to hear about how her first day of therapy went. Have fun with your aunt and cousin and I will see you soon!
Love, Jillian
Anonymous said…
Amanda and Beverly,

So much life has flowed since we last saw each other. This blog reflects the continuing story of love and devotion between an amazing mom and her equally amazing daughter. You both obviously have more than any money can buy - friends that are willing to help you through the rough times. As I read your blog (almost daily) and hear how you have supported each other and how all of your friends and family have come to your assistance, I am struck by what a generous extended family you are a part of.
I think of you each day and pray that Bev will be progressing even faster. Amanda, I know that you can sustain your energy and caring to help your mom through. You are certainly a wonderful testament to love.

Please let Bev know that we are all thinking of her back east.

Thank you for this blog. It helps us heal and I am sure it does you.
Love to you both,
Anonymous said…
I have been reading your blog daily and have been sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Even after only meeting your mom once, I knew that she was a special and radiant person and that you two share such an amazing bond with one another. I am so happy to read of all of the progress she's made and can't wait to hear as she continues to recover in leaps and bounds. Please send her my love and prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

XOXO, Holly (from MN)
Anonymous said…

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. Having you right there at all times must mean the world to her. You are a wonderful daughter. Continue to be strong. Your mom looks like she could be your sister.
Kara Andersen said…
I feel like I just saw her and she was no where near talking like a chatterbox! unbelievable progress, amanda. I am so happy! things seem to be really looking up. Bev is BACK!!

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