
Hi Friends,

Today was another day of me not leaving the house until 2pm, but hey, that's okay, right? At least I left at all, which is an accomplishment I suppose. I didn't really feel much like talking on the phone to anyone today, so for those who called me and I didn't return their calls, I apologize and promise to call you soon. I do very much appreciate your calls though, and your sweet messages give me a boost, so don't stop calling, okay? :)

Walked into the room today and said hi to mom, told her I missed her and asked her if she was feeling okay today...and she nodded! :) Of course, that was the only time I saw her do that today, but I love it when she does, and it encourages me that "she" comes out every now and then from the depths of healing and wants to communicate that to me. She does always look at me when I tell her to, which I suppose could be considered a command, so that's good too!

I played some music for her today for awhile since there wasn't anything good on TV on a Sunday besides sports, which she HATES to watch on TV. I read my book and intermittently talked to her, and I did my daily cares on her, which include swabbing out her mouth, applying Chapstick several times, wiping her face with either a cool or warm washcloth depending on her temp and how she looks, taking the brace off her right arm and wiping her hand and arm with a cloth before massaging it with lotion and doing bending and straightening exercises with the arm and fingers, and foot massages. Today I decided her legs were getting just a little too hairy, and since I've already shaved her head, I might as well shave her legs too! So she got to take off the SCDs for awhile (Sequential Compression Device - cuffs wrapped around her calves which pump up with air periodically to prevent blood clots from forming) which I'm sure she enjoyed. So now she's nice and smooth, and I think the next step may be a pedicure, if only she'd stop kicking her legs so much! :)

Now as I write this, I'm waiting for my frozen pizza to be done, and I will attempt to eat a decent amount of that to go with my glass of wine. Perhaps tomorrow will bring some news about RIC, so now more than ever please hope for acceptance. I know you will. I miss you all.


Hi Amanda-
Glad to hear that Sunday was a little better:) Hopefully your Mom relaxes her legs a little bit so you can give her that fun pedicure! Anyways, I am at work but if you want to talk later tonight, I will be around. Hope today is a good day and tell Bev that I miss her!
Love, Jillian
Anonymous said…
sounds like your mom is doing good. my fingers are crossed for RIC. why wouldnt they want such a smooth legged, beautiful toed diva like Bev? they have to take her!! :)
love, kara

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