Another step

Hi Friends,

Well, today was productive...I had an appointment at 10:30am to tour a skilled nursing facility right down the street from where I live, literally. It was okay...I don't have any basis for comparison right now because that's the first one I've visited, but it was place is going to be perfect, or seem good enough, I know. But I keep telling myself it's TEMPORARY.

Pam and Jillian and I had lunch with mom, and she did great, just like she has been. When lunch was done and we walked back to her room, they were in the process of taking off the netting contraption around her bed!!! She's graduated to not having to have that anymore! Yay!!! Go Bev!!!

After that, we left for awhile to do some walking around and shopping on Michigan Ave. It was nice to hang out with the girls. Then at 3pm, I had my very first appointment with a psychologist. I was actually really nervous about it, having never been to one before, but it was great. I really like the woman I went to, and she is a neuropsychologist who is very familiar with traumatic brain injury, so she and I were able to discuss it at length, and she provided me with much positivity and encouragement in terms of mom's progress so far and her potential. She also just hit on the head (wow, no pun intended) some of the feelings I am having, and said some very helpful things. I can't wait to go back and see her the week after Thanksgiving. :)

After my appointment, I headed back over to RIC to hang with mom for the evening...she was in bed, but I got her up, and we did some walking around to build up an appetite. She once again ate well for dinner, and then we hung out some more afterward, walked a bit more, and I gave her a very rudimentary pedicure (I think I've mentioned before that I HATE feet, so this was a big deal for me). When I was having her put her shoe back on, she did it just as I've seen her do before, only this time...........SHE TIED HER SHOE!!!!!!!!!! She did it on her own, just like she always did Before! I've not seen her do this before, so I'm not sure if she has been working on it in OT (she hasn't that I know of) or whether she just pulled that out of her bag of tricks, but either way, it was amazing and I am so proud. Just when she hasn't done anything new for a few days, she goes and mystifies me again. Wow.

So we hung out until about 8pm, and then I helped her get ready for bed...when I left, she was sleeping peacefully in her net-free bed! :) She's so cute, I just love her so much. Thanks all for your love and support. Keep it coming.


Anonymous said…
Amanda, Like you say, another step!
This is all positive stuff and it makes me smile to read it. Very cool about the netting coming down. That is a big corner to round! Hope you and your Mom have a Happy Thanksgiving. I know she would like to be cooking for you. Next Year!!! Peace and Love!!

Pat Hunter

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